For Schools
"Let me ease the burden of a busy administrative schedule."
As a school professional, you are busy.
You need reliable therapist talent, and you need that talent vetted by a professional who is knowledgeable in the field. Preferably your new hires would receive mentorship about your particular District, and the Grays Harbor area as a whole.
With over four years’ experience in three Districts here in Grays Harbor, I am ideally suited to provide you a researched, reliable staff.
I can help smooth the transition of a new hire, and make sure the process is working to everyone’s advantage. In addition, I bring the value of being a longterm Harborite. I want to help professionals fall in love with our gorgeous locale, and make a home here!
If you are experiencing difficulties finding and keeping quality therapists, please feel free to contact me for a confidential (and complimentary) consultation.